Website redesign services

We take a data-driven approach to your website redesign, crunching the numbers to understand what works best for your business and your customers.

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There’s a lot to think about when doing a website redesign

Websites can age or get outdated. Your business requirements can change or you may want to target a new audience.

Whatever the reason, you will need to choose a website redesign agency to update or redesign your current website to meet your changing needs, incorporating the latest technology and delivering seamless user experience.

Sometimes, that might be as simple as updating your content. Or it could be time for a complete overhaul.

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Understand your audience – and design for them

The main reason your current website may not be working is that it hasn’t been designed with your audience in mind.

Your customers are the primary users of your site, and it must meet their needs first and foremost.Once you know who you’re designing your site for, you can define your goals.

What do your visitors want? How can you make it easy for them to find what they need? And how can that ultimately help your business?

If you can answer these questions thoroughly and thoughtfully, you can define your criteria for success and align your redesign to those goals.

Choose a modern design that aligns with your brand

Your website is the online face of your business.

It needs to reflect your values, promote your services, and showcase your expertise.
People will judge your business by your site, so you need to make sure that it really aligns with all aspects of your brand.

Choosing a modern design isn’t about following fads — it’s about making sure you stay consistent across all your channels so that your customers clearly understand who you are and what you provide.

Go Mobile First

This is true for everything from one page brochure sites right through to complicated e-commerce or membership sites.

Your redesigned website needs to have the same functionality on a phone as on a desktop or you risk losing visitors and potential customers.

Prioritise Speed

To optimise your site for mobile, it needs to be lean and fast.

Customers rarely wait patiently for a slow site to load — if it doesn’t resolve within a few seconds they will move on.

We code lightning fast websites that score on average 95+ on any Google PageSpeed Insights criteria.

Maximise your SEO efforts

Most of your prospective customers – and many of your existing ones! – will access your site via a search engine, like Google.

Making sure content, layout and design are optimised for search engines (SEO) can help to ensure your organic (unpaid) search listing reaches the right people at the right time to attract more visitors to your site.

Inclusive and accessible design

When building your online presence, you want to make sure there are no barriers that may prevent your audience interacting with you.

We are accessibility experts and can work with you to make sure you have a truly inclusive online presence, that provides a great user experience for people of all abilities and cultures, in all environments.

How can Marameo help?

There’s a lot to think about when doing a website redesign. Working with our experts in website redesign based in Sydney – Newtown, we can help you every step of the way:

  • creating your user personas
  • defining your goals
  • project planning
  • third party integration
  • understanding business requirements
  • setting milestones
  • optimising for SEO

What are you waiting for?

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We'll discuss your goals and offer our expertise on your project design, assisting with scoping, implementation, or digital service innovation.

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