How to request support?

Requesting support from our team is simple and straightforward.
We are just an email away.

A team of people utilising computers in an office space, emphasising collaboration and a dynamic work atmosphere


How to request support?

Follow those procedures to log your support requests.

Read more about our SLAs to understand when your request will get resolved.

Standard Requests

Fill in the support form or click the “Create a ticket?” button in the admin dashboard of your website.

  • The subject should briefly explain the issue or request
  • The description should include a detailed description, including a screenshot. The more details you give us, the better we can help you!
Support form

For Emergency

Please fill in the emergency form if:

  • Website is offline/down
  • Website seems to be hacked
  • The main website functionality is not working

Everything else, it is a normal request – no matter how urgent it is.

Emergency form


How can I make sure I craft useful support tickets?

I’m glad you asked!

To make sure we are on top of your requests, please help us follow those simple instructions.

Don’t email us personally

ALL requests should go through the support helpdesk. This helps us to properly assign the task, track the task, and get it done.

Meaningful subjects

The subject of the email should give a brief explanation of the issue or request. “Hi” or “Need Help” is a bad subject. “New image in header” or “Authenticated user error” are good subjects.

Detailed descriptions

The description should include a detailed description. The more details you give us, the better we can help you!

Include a screenshot

Pictures speak louder than words, add a screenshot of your issue and we will forever love you.

Multiple sites

If we manage multiple sites for you, please add In the first sentence of the email which website is it for.

Don’t create multiple tickets

Try to reply to the email thread when discussing the same issue. Don’t send separate emails for the same issue as that just con

Don’t piggy back issues

Each issue should have its own email/conversation. Create a new email for each request.

Closed ticket?

Once an issue is closed – responding to it will reopen the ticket. PLEASE only respond if you intend to reopen that same ticket.


When my request will get worked on?

All standard requests are scheduled depending on the SLA outlined in your support and maintenance contract.

For clients without an SLA in place, we process them first come first serve orders. If you need the task to be completed by a certain date or is urgent, please do let us know and we will try our best to accomodate your needs.

Generally speaking, we will be able to complete your requests between a few hours and a couple of days, depending on the complexity and if we have all the required informations.

Developer working on some code

What about emergencies?

We put a very high priority on true emergencies, that’s why we have a completely different process to lodge those requests. The whole team gets SMS on our mobiles no matter what time it is. Please use this form only when it’s a true emergency.

Those will be worked on immediately and you will see a resolution in a matter of minutes/hours, depending on the issue.

We reserve the right to determine if it is truly urgent – and to charge an appropriate hourly rate for “emergencies” for clients without an SLA and support and maintenance contract in place.

smartphone, help, finger

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